Monday, December 14, 2009

[WTS] I-Phone 3G & 3Gs Accessories

Rubber Casing with Hard plastic behind. Nice Grip, Stylish. Rm18 each.

I-Phone Portable Battery 1900mAh, Plug and Play. best for those who always play their phone until battery empty. this is the best external power battery for YOU~ rm75 each.

I-Phone Dock Rm45 each. (A stand for ur Lovely APPLE) can use while charging, Mp3, Video and More**

I-Phone Car Charger Rm25 each

Mirror Screen Protector, Anti dust, glare against scratch clear look, reusable. Rm30 each

Anti Finger print, grease resistance Screen protector (Recommended) Rm30 each

Original Apple I-Phone Cable, Rm50 each

Leather Pouch, Nice Grip , Fit to the Phone. Rm 45 each

Hard Casing, Black , White, LV and Burberry Look-A-Like. Rm15 each

Contact : 012 - 3486 133 (MK)
COD : Kepong Area
Pm for more info.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Birthday Wish.....

My Birthday coming on this October, i wish i could have a DOG and put it in my Home.
but its impossible to happend.....too bad. T_T

Saturday, July 25, 2009

什么是 “爱情” ?

什么是 “爱情” ?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Yes, Im Loser.
i had lost my balance~ i don even know wat im doin right now~
my future are target no destination.

im FAILURE..what i have to do next? i cant figure it out. Shit!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Final Exam coming...

final exam coming next week , T_T
but not yet prepare and thinking about wat to do after DIPLOMA, sob
work (wat job to choose)? continue study (boleh or not)? being USELESS (i think i can) T_T

Thursday, May 14, 2009


一个礼拜多前,姐姐带了一只小狗回来它是Spaniel Cocker Mix Silky Terrier的,医生说要帮她取个斯文的名字不然会很坏蛋,所以妈妈帮它取名为Winnie. 她的样子不会很可爱,但是她的一举一动会讨我们喜爱。她只有两个月大所以不怎么听话 每次只会到处找东西来咬,连我的脚趾都不放过。 但是有时姐姐骂她,她也会知道错静静的躲去一边。
可是,某天爸爸强烈反对我们家养动物。。。在我和姐姐的多次请求下,老爸都不肯让步而且还很生气。 在老爸那么坚决的情况下 姐姐只好想办法把狗狗安置。 于是她找到了一户人家要领养我们的Winnie, 开始我就觉得Winnie会离我们而去,当时我就开始对这只小狗狗有点不舍。。。但是老爸还是强烈反对,所以没有办法了。
在昨天的早上(14th May 2009)我和姐姐亲自把Winnie载到新主人的家。 当时我还以为我可以强忍泪水,可是看见姐姐的模样 我忍不住掉泪了。 Winnie虽然不会说话可是她看着我的眼神就是一脸无奈。。。

虽然狗狗不可能会说话,但是它们始终是生命来的。。。把winnie送了过后,知道现在我的心情也很难平复,每当坐在客厅时, 想起它的一举一动时 我都很心酸很心痛。 虽然只是短短的一个星期多,可是我们对它的感情已经是无可自拔了。。

This is Winnie.

Good Bye Winnie.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Valentine Present has been SENT!!LOL

The Teddy Bear i ordered online finally sent to my home~ and the present has given to Ah Hei~~she look so happy~LOL
the 1st i saw the bear~ im impress too~ it's HUGE (1.6M height) and the price is cheap~thats why i bought it~LOL.

New Watch ^_^

i wanted to buy a WATCH since year ago~ at first i planned to save money and buy myself~
but at last i ask my dad to buy for me =.="" (im useless)
WAHAHAHAHA~ i got WATCH!!!!!!! OMFG!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

WHo will always support u

Parents are always support u , at least they wont hurt u ~
PARENTS are always GOOD TO u !!!!

do remember !!! parents!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RC DRIFT day ~

Afternoon went to OneUtama (Tamiya Underground,New wing) to play RC car~with Mr.Fabian and Michael~ i bang my car here and there~ T_T hope my skill will improve soon~ SAD
Rx8 (michael), Ferrari Enzo(MK), Silvia S15 (Fabian)
After CNY will do more UPgrade , hehehe

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Phone Obtained~

Finally i got my new phone since when i BROKE my OLD 1~~T_T
below are the specification of the phone~ (WAHAHAHA)
when i getting this phone~ my fren told me never a BOY will ask for this model phone from him~ mostly who bought this phone are girls~ neva eva a BOY buy this =.=""